Pacific Northwest - Oregon, Washington, & Idaho.

Not all who wander are lost.



Jan 2024:

Our paper on studying impact of covid on nature visitation using mobile phone data has been published in Nature

Oct 2023:

Our paper “Inflorescence: A Framework for Evaluating Fairness with Clustered Federated Learning” won the best paper award at FairComp2023.

Selected Papers 2023

Analyzing Fairness of Privacy-Utility Mobility Models in Proceedings of FairComp workshop as part of ACM Ubicomp 2023. [arxiv]

‘Privacy-Aware Adversarial Network in Human Mobility Prediction’ has been accepted to PoPETs 2023.

"Just another day on Twitter: a complete 24 hours of Twitter data." In Proceedings of ICWSM2023

Selected Papers 2022

Nostalgic Analysis of Location Based Tweets’ has been accepted to SocInfo2022.

“Multi-task Models for Multi-faceted Classification of Pandemic Information on Social Media” in ACM WebSci 2022.

‘Causal Impact Model to Evaluate the Diffusion Effect of Social Media Campaigns’ in ECSCW 2022.

‘Impact of Exogenous Biases of Instagram Posts on Park Visitation Estimation’ in ACM HyperText 2022.

Privacy Aware Human Mobility Prediction via Adversarial Network has been accepted as part of CPS-IoT week. [Pre-print]

Fairness in Federated Learning for Spatial-Temporal Applications, In AAAI Federated Learning Workshop 2022 [PDF]"

“Integrating Fairness Visualization Tools in Machine Learning Education” In Proceedings of CHI2022.[Pre-print PDF]

Selected Papers 2021

Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Park Visitation Measured by Social Media” has been accepted to CSCW 2021. Pre-print, PDF

"Deep Embedded Clustering of Urban Communities Using Federated Learning." Mashhadi, Afra, Joshua Sterner, and Jeffrey Murray. 2021 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN). IEEE, 2021. Pre-print

“Deep Embedded Clustering for BioAcoustic Clustering of Marine Mammal Vocalization”. Ali Jahangirnezhad (University of Washington Bothell) and Afra Mashhadi (University of Washington). presented in AIMOCC as part of ICLR2021. PDF

“A Crowd-sourced Obstacle Detection and Navigation App for Visually Impaired” in proceedings of the LNCS as part of UrbanIoT 2020 -Pre-print here

“No Walk in the Park: The Viability and Fairness of Social Media Analysis for Parks and Recreational Policy Making” has been accepted to ICWSM 2021. Pre-print

For the full list of my publications visit my google scholar profile.

Collection of Work on Wifi Sensing and Quantified Workplace


Afra Mashhadi, Akhil Mathur, Marc Van den Broeck, Geert Vanderhulst, Fahim Kawsar “Understanding the Impact of Personal Feedback on Face-to-Face Interactions in the Workplace’’ In the proceedings of the 18th ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction.(ICMI 2016). Nominated for Best Paper Award.

Afra Mashhadi, U. Gunay Acer, A.Boran, P.Scholl, C. Forlivesi and F. Kawsar. “Exploring Space Syntax on Entrepreneurial Opportunities with Wi-Fi Analytics”. In the proceedings of the  ACM international joint conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (Ubicomp 2016).

Afra Mashhadi, Akhil Mathur, Marc Van den Broeck, Geert Vanderhulst, Fahim Kawsar  “A Case Study on Capturing and Visualising Face-to-Face Interactions at Workplace” In the Industrial Track of the ACM International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services (MobileHCI2016).

Geert Vanderhulst, Afra Mashhadi, Marzieh Dashti, Fahim Kawsar. “Detecting Human Encounters From WiFi Radio Signals”. In proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia (MUM 2015).

Akhil Mathur, Marc Van den Broeck, Geert Vanderhulst, Afra Mashhadi, Fahim Kawsar. “Tiny Habits in the Giant Enterprise: Understanding the Dynamics of a Quantified Workplace”. In the proceedings of the  ACM international joint conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (Ubicomp 2015).

U. Gunay Acer, A. Mashhadi, C. Forlivesi, F. Kawsar. “Energy Efficient Scheduling for Mobile Push Notifications” In proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking and Services (Mobiquitous 2015).

Collection of Works on Smart Cities, Crowd-sourcing Systems and Poverty Mappings


A. Mashhadi Who gets the Lion’s Share in the Sharing Economy. In proceedings of Social Informatics 2018 - Lecture Notes in Computer Science.

A. Mashhadi , G. Quattrone, L. Capra.  “The Impact of society on Volunteered Geographic Information: the case of OpenStreetMap”.  Book chapter in Springer Edition 2015 of OpenStreetMap in GISceince: experiences, research and applications.

C. Smith, A. Mashhadi and L.Capra. “Poverty on the Cheap: Estimating Poverty Maps Using Aggregated Mobile Communication Networks”. In Proc of the ACM conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI2014).

G. Quattrone, A. Mashhadi , D.Quercia, C.Smith, L. Capra.  “Modelling Growth of Urban Crowd-Sourced Information”.  In Proc. of the 7th ACM International Conference on the Web Search and Data Mining.(WSDM2014)

G. Quattrone, A. Mashhadi , L. Capra.  “Mind the Map: The Impact of Culture and Economic Affluence on Crowd-Mapping Behaviours”. In Proc. of the 17th ACM International Conference on the Computer Supported Work and Social Computing. (CSCW2014)

T. Yasseri, G. Quattrone, A. Mashhadi. “Temporal Analysis of Activity Patterns of Editors in Collaborative Mapping Project of OpenStreetMap”. In Proc. of the 8th International Conference on  Wikis and Open Collaboration (Wikisym2013).[Pre-print]

C. Smith, A. Mashhadi and L.Capra. “Ubiquitous Sensing for Mapping Poverty in Developing Countries”. In 3rd International Conference on the Analysis of Mobile Phone Datasets (NetMob2013).  Listed as a significant D4D project.[PDF]

D. Hristova and G. Quattrone and A. Mashhadi and L. Capra. “The Life of the Party: Impact of Social Mapping on OpenStreetMap”.  In the 8th AAAI International Conference on Weblogs and Social Media (ICWSM2013).

A. Mashhadi and Giovanni Quattrone and L. Capra. “Putting Ubiquitous Crowd-sourcing into Context”. In Proc. of the 16th ACM International Conference on the Computer Supported Work and Social Computing (CSCW2013).[Pre-print]

A. Mashhadi and Giovanni Quattrone and L. Capra and Peter Mooney. “On the Accuracy of Urban Crowd-Sourcing for Maintaining Large-Scale Geospatial Databases”. In Proc. of the 8th International Conference on  Wikis and Open Collaboration (Wikisym2012).  Linz, Austria. August 2012



1.User Tracking (Pending) with Geert Vanderhulst and Fahim Kawsar.

2.Method For Generating A Reputation Measure, An Access Point, User Equipment And A Computer Program Product (Pending) with Geert Vanderhulst and Fahim Kawsar.

3.A Platform for Privacy Preserved User Location Sharing Based on Wireless Signal Fingerprinting (Pending) with Geert Vanderhulst.

4.Privacy Meter for Connected Devices (Pending) with Alessandro Montanari, Aidan Boran and Fahim Kawsar.

5.Wearable Display For Personal Computing (Pending) - with Utku Acer, Fahim Kawsar and Marc Van den Broeck.

6.Method For Priority Scheduling Of Notification And Ad Messages For Efficient Network Communication (Pending) - with Fahim Kawsar, Utku Acer and Claudio Forlivesi.

7.Security Mechanism for Short Range Radio Frequency Communication Method (Pending) - with Aidan Boran and Vijay Venkateswaran.

For the full list of my publications visit my google scholar profile.


Teaching and Mentoring